Purpose of Transaction

The prevalence of electronic payments took over like a storm in the past decade. Increased convenience of not carrying cash and robust security protocols while making the transactions has contributed dramatically to what has become a new normal today. On the other hand, the early adoption of electronic payments by stores under modern trade, shopping malls and later on even by the small general stores has contributed to building and fostering today’s digitized payment ecosystem.

With the normalcy of these digital modes of making payments, the whole process was bound to be improved by the service providers over time. Thus, subsequent attention to the intricacies involved in making the transaction at the billing counter of hypermarket stores, general stores, medical stores, hospitals, shopping malls, and showrooms is to be given.

Further, understanding consumer behavior and the preceding mindset involving their needs and concerns while making the transactions in various settings provide valuable insights when their experience is looked at in isolation.

Consumers’ state of mind in various payment transaction scenarios

It becomes imperative to understand the consumers’ mindset and generate consumer insights if the goal is to understand the transaction experience from the consumer’s perspective, which could eventually turn this payment transaction into a tool to generate more purchases of the products. Thus, we delve deep into the consumer mindset in some major scenarios.

Buying groceries

Being a low cost and a high product purchase pursuit, Groceries invokes a scenario-specific concern. While at the billing counter, the consumers are majorly concerned if they have missed anything out of the things they wanted to purchase. This is a routine purchase; hence missing out on an item is the primary concern.

Buying Electronics

Making a purchase of electronics raises the stakes for the consumers. They are hesitant before making the final purchase call at the billing counter. There are times when they all together leave the store without buying. Consumers are majorly perplexed with choices in this scenario.

Buying fashion/ Clothing

Shopping for clothing items often results in impulsive purchase behavior. Hence, a majority of the time, consumers, while at the billing counter, wonder if they are buying what they actually need or buying things that could be extra.

At Hospital

While paying at the hospital billing counter, the consumer is majorly concerned about the effectiveness of the treatment they or their loved ones would be receiving.

When put in various purchase decisions related situations, consumers are usually faced with multiple concerns and decision dilemmas. Thus, these mindsets could very well be addressed, and these cognitive insights could be further used in assisting customers in buying better products.


Based on the above developed rationale, it could very well be said that the transactions at the billing counter can be turned into a much more significant experience than it is based on the status quo.

The concerns and the dilemmas consumers face while making the transactions should be turned into a much more important and powerful tool. Remedy to these needs to be implemented such that the consumer can be assisted into buying better and more products. Specific initiatives can create this whole transaction experience into a much more important affair than it is at present.

Tell us how you behave while making payment transactions!