Innoviti unveils its new ‘Exclusive’ range of Android POS terminals equipped with its new “Unbutton” user interface

To help mainline mobile dealers with more walk-ins, more conversions, and more profits.

Plans to launch across Karnataka and South India over next few weeks.

  • Leading payment solutions provider, Innoviti Technologies, announced the launch of its new ‘Exclusive’ range of Android OS-based payment terminals, equipped with its patented Unbutton User Interface design. Unbutton literally unbuttons the user interface with highly intuitive gesture and audio interfaces that bring unparalleled convenience to the cashier and customer, besides reducing checkout time.
  • Unbutton does away with the traditional button-press actions and text messages prompts that all currently available Android payment terminals provide through a different human-machine interaction. It replaces button-press actions with simple intuitive gesture-based controls like swiping up anywhere on the screen for printing a charge slip or swiping sideways to opt for a e-charge slip sent to the customer’s mobile phone, etc. This eliminates the need for the cashier to keep their eyes and fingers focussed on the terminal to search for buttons, bringing unparalleled ease and time savings for them.
  • The second innovation in Unbutton is solving a long pending problem of cashiers on transaction confirmation. All payment terminals provide text confirmation on the screen and that too in English. For failed transactions this is a challenge as the cashier then needs to turn the terminal around to show the customer the failure message, causing inconvenience and consuming time. The possibility of a failure also keeps the cashier occupied by having to constantly keep looking at the terminal screen. Through Unbutton Innoviti has taken a leap ahead by converting the confirmation to audio with the cashier having the flexibility to choose the language. The cashier can now continue doing their work like packing the goods with the audio alert providing them required information on next steps in case of any error occurring. The customer has a prompt and transparent understanding of the issue and can correct their mistake like entering a wrong PIN.
  • Exclusive goes beyond the futuristic user interface to also speeding up checkout through an automatic acceptance of QR and card options without any key press. Upon the billing being ready, the amount is automatically transferred from the billing system to the Exclusive POS and it lights up to provide a dynamic QR and all card options without any key press being required. Depending on whether customer swipes a card or scans the QR code, the relevant payment route is intuitively triggered without any need to explicitly press buttons.
  • Exclusive also takes Innoviti’s obsessive focus on reliability a step ahead through a 4G dual-SIM design that allows for automatic operator switchover in case of unreliability sensed in a particular operator’s connectivity.
  • Across India Innoviti processes over US$ 6.5Bn of payments annually from over 1000+ cities, with a throughput per point of acceptance of 7000$, 2X of India’s average (as per RBI data). Innoviti’s payment solutions help merchants, banks and brands influence commercial transactions happening in offline commerce more efficiently than possible otherwise, through unconventional use of payment terminals.
  • Innoviti is backed by marquee investors including Bessemer Venture Partners, USA, SBI Emerging Fund, Japan, Singapore and Catamaran, India.

Mr. Hemant Taware, Chief Business Officer, Innoviti:

“In today’s digital world, our clients with premium outlets expect the look and feel of their payment solutions to match the effort and care they put into managing all other aspects of their overall customer experience delivery and ambience. The Exclusive POS range with patented Unbutton User Interface, takes the checkout experience to an altogether futuristic level, driving unparalleled convenience, class and saving time.”

About Innoviti Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India.

Innoviti Technologies runs a payment platform that has a unique ability to add intelligence to traditional payment channels, enhancing their value. Merchants, brands and financial service providers use these intelligent payment channels to reduce cost and drive sales of their products. Innoviti processes over Rs. 40,000 Cr. of payment transactions, about 6% of all offline merchant payment transactions in India. This also includes Rs. 1,500 Cr. of transactions involving distribution of loans to consumers and small businesses. The most capital efficient company in this space, Innoviti processes more volume for every $ raised than any other payments company. The company is backed by marquee investors such as Catamaran Ventures, SBI Emerging Fund and Bessemer Venture Partners.

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