Innoviti as a workplace – explored through canteen discussions!


A sneak peek into Innoviti – from the lens of canteen chit-chats!-


A cafeteria is a place where employees not only have food but also relax, take a break from work, indulge in some light-hearted banter, discuss work, build social relations, and a lot more. Many studies have concluded that proper canteen culture is crucial for improved employee engagement and productivity. And that is precisely what we find as we stroll over to the Innoviti canteen…

It’s a Friday morning, and the atmosphere is as electric as ever in the Innoviti canteen – the hustle-bustle of employees, exciting discussions, an enjoyable and inviting environment! As we walk around the canteen, we hear a lot of animated chatter – the colleagues discussing their projects and the glow on their faces regarding the kind of impact they are creating in society through their work (and they are pretty proud of it!). Cross-team buddies catching up over a cup of coffee is their daily routine!

It is such a vibrant and charged mood that one can immediately resonate with the vibe and notice the mantra that the employees here adhere to – Work Hard, Play Hard! It indeed is Khushiya Multiplied!

Catching up with a few chit-chatters here,


What do you feel about Innoviti?


Innoviti is the best place to work, learn and grow. There’s no limit on your growth, and the company supports the progression of its employees. It motivates us to dream big, work hard and give our very best for the company while being assured of the company taking care of us. So it is more about believing in ourselves and the organization’s vision and putting in efforts to succeed. Also, employees can upskill themselves in areas of their interest that align with the company’s goals and the availability of leadership development programs to groom future leaders of the organization.

“Growth oriented company and ample scope for career development, supportive management”


What is working at Innoviti like?


It is a fun workspace where people are always up to new challenges and excited about building products that revolutionize the industry. Also, Innoviti has been certified as a Great Place To Work (GPTW) for the excellent employee assistance and experience initiatives. Here employees’ efforts are recognized and rewarded appropriately. There are opportunities for all the employees to move into roles of their interest as per their diverse skill sets and experience.

“Excellent Work culture, friendly organization and availability of growth opportunities for employees in their interested domains”

“Great Place To Work, there’s freedom and space to work, company has grown a lot over the years, Employee friendly company”


How is the work environment at Innoviti ?


Here at Innoviti, all the employees are encouraged to dream big and work harder. There is robust support for career development and personal growth. There has also been a Workplace transformation catering to the shifting needs of the global scenario and the millennials. The work culture is pretty flexible, which also contributes to the overall positive work environment. People are recognized for their work which further boosts productivity and motivates others to give their best. The performing employees are rewarded with promotions, and the career growth opportunities are directly proportional to the employees’ performance. The open culture of the organization also helps in interacting with people across domains and creates a solid network and social connections.

“Helpful management, good growth opportunities, Work-life balance, employees are given ample time and guidance to understand, learn and perform the expected work effectively”

“Friendly organization & supportive staff, good growth opportunities”

As evident from our interactions with different people and observation of the culture at Innoviti, it is one of positivity, growth, development, and embracing change. People are encouraged to take up responsibilities, challenge themselves, and are backed by the company to take risks which ultimately contributes to the growth of the company and the employees as well. This explains the bullish growth trajectory of Innoviti over the past years, and with the sights set toward the sky, Innoviti and its employees are all set to soar higher and conquer their goals!

With this incredible feeling, we end our tour of Innoviti’s canteen and discussions with the amiable Innovitians.


Until next time…!